Type Alias ClndrItem

ClndrItem: {
    classes: string;
    date?: Date;
    events?: ClndrEvent[];
    interval?: Interval;
    properties?: ClndrItemProperties;

An item displayed on a calendar page. A page consists of one or more items, e.g. a year page consists of 12 items, each representing a month. Some properties will be undefined if the item is just an empty placeholder item, e.g. on a month view when the showAdjacent option is false.

Type declaration

  • classes: string

    CSS classes to be applied to the item's HTML element indicating its status and whether there are events assigned to this item.

  • Optionaldate?: Date

    A Date object representing the item. This may be undefined if the item is just an empty placeholder item, e.g. on a month view when the showAdjacent option is false.

  • Optionalevents?: ClndrEvent[]

    The calendar events assigned to this item.

  • Optionalinterval?: Interval

    Start and end of the item.

  • Optionalproperties?: ClndrItemProperties

    Status indicators for the item.